Getting In the Loop: Circular Economy | Sustainability | Closing the Loop

Rethinking Business and Circular Economy with John A. Lanier

Episode Summary

Today I am thrilled to welcome John A. Lanier, the Executive Director of the Ray C. Anderson foundation. John works to advance the legacy of Ray, his grandfather, whom you might recognize as the founder of carpet tile manufacturer Interface, Inc. Twenty years ago, Ray detailed his and Interface’s sustainability journey in his book Mid-Course Correction, and John has now released an update called Mid-Course Correction Revisited. In today’s podcast, John and I discuss Ray’s legacy, what has happened in the 20 years since Ray first documented his journey, and John’s vision for the future. Resources and links discussed in this episode can be found at .

Episode Notes

Today I am thrilled to welcome John A. Lanier, the Executive Director of the Ray C. Anderson foundation. John works to advance the legacy of Ray, his grandfather, whom you might recognize as the founder of carpet tile manufacturer Interface, Inc. Twenty years ago, Ray detailed his and Interface’s sustainability journey in his book Mid-Course Correction, and John has now released an update called Mid-Course Correction Revisited. In today’s podcast, John and I discuss Ray’s legacy, what has happened in the 20 years since Ray first documented his journey, and John’s vision for the future. Resources and links discussed in this episode can be found at .

John A. Lanier is the Executive Director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation, a Georgia-based private family foundation honoring the legacy of the late Ray C. Anderson. Ray, who was John’s grandfather, was the founder and CEO of Interface, Inc. the world’s largest manufacturer of carpet tile and a leading company committed to environmental sustainability. John shares his late grandfather’s passion for Earth and her natural systems, and he is the author of Mid-Course Correction Revisited, released this year to explore what it will take to create prototypical companies and economies of the 21st Century.

4:30 Ray C. Anderson’s legacy and the work of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation
6:30 Interface’s sustainable business journey and transformation
11:15 Picking up where Ray’s story left-off
14:00 Moving from company examples to a macro-economic perspective
20:20 Making the change to a more circular economy happen
25:00 Ways to shift culture and change mindset within companies
30:00 Recognizing the limitations of an abundance mindset